Collaborative Family Law
Collaborative law, also known as collaborative practice, divorce or family law, is a legal process enabling couples who have decided to separate or end their marriage to work with their lawyers, a neutral mental health professional, and a neutral financial practitioner in order to avoid the uncertain outcome of court and to achieve a settlement that best meets the specific needs of both parties and their children without the underlying threat of litigation. The process allows parties to resolve their marital settlement in a way that is cooperative, respectful, transparent, mutual outcomes, and is highly private. We like collaborative law because it decreases emotional strain to families, encourages and preserves future working relationships between co-parents, fosters healing and values the importance of the future functioning of the divorcing family, and is supported by a team of professionals swho are committed to the healing of the family.
Core Values of Collaborative Family Law
Respect and Dignity: The collaborative process is designed to maintain respect for all of the participants and to help ensure that the family unit will survive the divorce process as best as possible.
Direct and Open Communication Collaborative professionals stress direct and open communication among everyone involved in the process and at all times.
Direct and Open Communication: Collaborative professionals stress direct and open communication among everyone involved in the process and at all times.
Voluntary and Full Disclosure of Information and Documents: Informed consent is based on having full and accurate information with which to make sound decisions. Collaborative practice builds on these important safeguards for full information sharing and disclosure by approaching the task with a businesslike efficiency and adaptability.
Commitment to the Healing of the Family: “We adopt this conflict resolution process, which does not rely on a court-imposed resolution, but relies on an atmosphere of honesty, cooperation, integrity, and professionalism geared toward the future well-being of the family.” Collaborative professionals are committed to the future functioning of a divorcing family. The less conflict to which children are exposed, the better the children adjust and function after divorce.